Sunday, October 25, 2009

October Glory

Today was the day we set for taking Ma out for her promised Birthday drive. Many years ago , she and I were wandering backroads and got lost-just a little lost. When we discovered roughly where we were it was getting late and the road was getting rural--really rural. So we turned around and determined that we would find that rooad again some day. A few months ago, while shopping the "antiques" shops I found a book. It tells the tale of of a single woman as she waled that road , 9 miles through the notch in the mountains. AHHHHH. What a great birthday gift !!! That and the promise of a ride ( Ma doesn't walk 9 miles anymore, though she'd truly have loved to today ) through the notch.Yes rained cats and dogs , and I gotta tell ya that I was a wee bit nervous that it would rain out the plans. But the day broke with beautiful golden sun. The leaves in these parts have turned that brassy- gold color with splashes of yellow -green and the beginnings of russet ( I do believe that it is the oaks that lends that color. ) The sky was unbelievably blue with an occasional cloud tinged with a barely-there purple belly. We couldn't be any luckier. Yes, the road had significant wash out in some areas, but we managed to get around - or through. Oh the day couldn't have been better if e'd ordered it up.