Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day

A beautiful day for Earth Day. The creeping phlox have begun to open. The pansies are standing very spritely in the window boxes. The forsithia still radiates sunshine. Even the daffodils display their bright countenance.

I know that Earth day is so much more. But I'm reveling in this quintessential Spring day; bright sunshine, gentle warmth and the glory of early flowers.

Wishing you a colorful day, Cyth

Friday, April 16, 2010


I'd like to have you meet Lily. She came home with the Mr. and me just yesterday and I gotta tell ya, she's made us laugh more times in these past 24 hours than we'd laughed all week.

Checking out the snow-laden daffodils

It's all such an adventure for her right now. Eight weeks old and seeing the world through new eyes---deep black puppy eyes, so black that you can fall right into them or be totally turned out by them. And it's wonderful that we can be seeing the world through new eyes with her. I think that this will be a new adventure that we'll all enjoy.

Sending puppy love, Cyth

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Wonderful Easter Week-end

I hope that your Easter Day and week-end were as glorious as mine. After rain , rain , and more rain , we've finally had a few sunny days. And I can't een say how perfect they were. Warm and sunny. Yellow daffies opening. Forsithia blossoming. Birds chirping. And smiling liberated people everywhere, so glad not to be cleaning dirty water out of their basements AT LAST. ( YES. We did have lots of flooding these past two weeks. Roads closed. Schools closed. But that's not today !!!)

We got in a little kite flying with the grandkids.

Bunnies parachuting in to help with festivities.

Wee little houses found in the awakening garden. I wonder who lives there?

Pussywillows , all plumped up.

And , how 'bout that? An amaryllis blossomed to bring in Easter. No winter celebrant this bright fellow.

And looky here. A wee gray furry friend. He's mighty plump. He's fed well on dropped sunflower seed all winter. Amazing he moves as fast as he does. Might he be living in the tiny village found in the garden?
Sending you all well wishes for a glorious Spring, Cyth