Saturday, May 30, 2009

What? Leonard Cohen AGAIN?

This is going to be short and sweet....or short but perplexing , depending on how you look at it. For any of you who may have read an earlier post , you may remember my Leonard Cohen "sightings". I found a blog, rather it found me, that is devoted to synchronicities , a category to which I now believe these sightings can be placed. Here's the thing.... after that time period of a few weeks, it seemed as though "synchronicities" had stopped manifesting to me. That is, until the other night. I was reading , okay, I was trying to stay awake by propping my eyelids open and gazing at pictures in a magazine, a home decor magazine, I do believe, and what do you know? Right. There was Leonard Cohen AGAIN. ( I'm once again pondering the potential meaning of all this attention around L. Cohen ). And since then , I've experienced other incidents of synchronicity. Go figure.

What I would like to know now is where does "it" go when it not happening? Or is it that synchronicity happens all the time but we are not focused on it? HMMMMMMM.

I'd be curious to know what others of you think about it.

My eyes are in need of propping again , so I wish you a good night.



Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

I'm back. I'd like to say that I was on a really relaxing, cool vacation. But I can not say that. I can say that I feel like I've been swimming real hard to get to the other side. The shop opened. YAY ! As I told you before I had some very special people helping me get it done, including my 80 yr old MOM , who put her special touch on the outdoor plantings ( all in pots, as it is a rental space ). Whew. Some undertaking ! And since then I'm just trying to keep my head screwed on right.

I've found myself wavering between faith that this endeavor will yield satisfactory rewards and I'm not talking necessarily monetary, though that would be exceedingly well accepted , and biting my nails that I'll fall flat on my face. I would never have dreamed that I would undertake such a move, but here I am smack in the middle of it. And BUSY. If I'm not minding the shop , then I'm caring for the kinderlings( my heart's song ), or I'm painting more "orphaned " furniture to put into the shop, and hauling it there , arranging it, rearranging it. Ah, the house is a mess , but the shop sure has been fussed over .

So tonight, after another gloomy , rainy day, I found myself feeling just as gloomy ( rainy weather can do that to me -- light therapy helps , but the lamp was stored away----might just have to dig it out if tomorrow is a repeat ), and fretful about the wisdom of this endeavor. I was thinking that I would just like to go to bed and pull the covers over my head. The Mister however, just peeked around the corner to tell me that our local PBS station was featuring Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. Well, I gotta tell ya, nothing can break a gloom like the music of Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, especially when the Mister decides to boogie around the room for a bit. THAT put a smile on my face. I'm feeling sooooooooo much better.

So with a gladder heart, I wish you a great evening, Cyth.