Saturday, May 30, 2009

What? Leonard Cohen AGAIN?

This is going to be short and sweet....or short but perplexing , depending on how you look at it. For any of you who may have read an earlier post , you may remember my Leonard Cohen "sightings". I found a blog, rather it found me, that is devoted to synchronicities , a category to which I now believe these sightings can be placed. Here's the thing.... after that time period of a few weeks, it seemed as though "synchronicities" had stopped manifesting to me. That is, until the other night. I was reading , okay, I was trying to stay awake by propping my eyelids open and gazing at pictures in a magazine, a home decor magazine, I do believe, and what do you know? Right. There was Leonard Cohen AGAIN. ( I'm once again pondering the potential meaning of all this attention around L. Cohen ). And since then , I've experienced other incidents of synchronicity. Go figure.

What I would like to know now is where does "it" go when it not happening? Or is it that synchronicity happens all the time but we are not focused on it? HMMMMMMM.

I'd be curious to know what others of you think about it.

My eyes are in need of propping again , so I wish you a good night.



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