Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hidden Dreams

Again I'm going to be quick tonight - 2 days with the grandkids and the trek back home has got me pooped out again. No matter , soon I'll be all cozy on my side of the bed on my way to LaLaLand.

Speaking of LaLaLand, I had a strange occurrence the other night. Well, technically it was the other morning , early. I arise early most everyday, except Sundays. That way I can get in my exercise and meditation before the day has its way with me. And it is the best part of the day, early morning. the birds sing so sweetly and the noise of the day isn't trying to sing over their sweet voices. I'm more alert, slow, but alert in the early morning hours. My emotions are gentle and my being more open than in any other part of the day. OOOOOO but this is not what I set out to tell. So sorry to get sidetracked - perhaps next time I will wax poetic about the the early morning.

So , back to my little tale coming out of LaLaLand . The alarm had just gone off, so up I clambered from my mountain of blankets , shaking off what I thought was the end of a dream that the alarm had cut off. It was not a remarkable dream. At least I did not remember it beyond the time it took me to get my feet to the floor, so truly it must not have been significant. What was significant was the thought, which came simultaneously with the vanishing of the unremarkable dream, that UNDERNEATH that dream there had been another. This other dream seemed very significant , though I haven't yet determined why or what it means to me, only that I was able to glimpse it because the other dream had been vanquished by the sound of the alarm clock. I only remember seeing , in the wake of the vanishing dream , gears, wooden gears. And I recall thinking that the gears were part of a dream that lay underneath the other one.

I at once began to wonder if we dream in layers. I wondered if each layer told a more complete story of just one dream, or were they separate unto themselves, telling their own stories, telling my story in parallel time. And I wondered how many more layers there might be. And if we dream in multiple layers, how do we access them.

I wonder if anyone else has experienced that sense of multi-layered dreams. And if so , what do you make of it? Is it a regular occurrence? It is not for me. Not yet anyway. Would love to hear from anyone who has had a similar experience.

As for me right now, I think I will prepare myself for a good night's rest, dreams or no, and be ready to face a new day. I wish you a good night, Cyth


  1. really very interesting/intriguing - the layers of dreams - not something that i have personally experienced yet [that is, of which i am aware at this moment] - however, it's certainly worth considering/pursuing - i'm such a blogging novice but i do have a couple going - and have several posts about some of my dreams [precognitive or clairvoyant ones - and a couple where i come/go in/out the dream] on both the gypsy's travel journal and on gypsywomanworld - i also many times awaken from a particular dream, stay awake a while, and when i go back to sleep, i finish the dream i'd first begun - have you experienced that, too?

    the yaya tree is a blog i've begun to set out my family's genalogical story - in any event, please feel free to drop by anytime and leave a comment or two - again, loved your post - jenean

  2. Yes, I too have finished dreams after awakening and falling back to sleep. They can sometimes be persistent little devils. They always intrigue me.
