Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Day at the Museum

A day much anticipated , both by me and my grandson. It was a birthday adventure. And what could be more fun than some time spent with dinosaurs and other cool stuff? Especially if you've just turned 5.

This is one of my all time favorite museums. I was treated to this museum as a kid on a school trip and I've been sure to bring my own son, nephew, granddaughter,grandson and classes of school kids when I was living in my past life as an art teacher. What a treasure.... the Harvard Museum of Natural History My favorite spot has always been the glass flowers , but not so much for a five year old boy. But I've got to tell you they are UNBELIEVABLE ! ( Created in Germany and shipped over here by ship in the 1900's. And they are ALL glass. To look at them one can hardly believe it ! ).

But the 5 year old monkey DID enjoy so very many other treasures. His favorite ...the kronosaurus.

I've got to admit that it is pretty impressive - a water creature. But for comparison's sake , you need only take a short walk down a hall to find whale bones with balleen intact .

Some of the other favorites..... walking sticks and leaf bugs , of course.
Can you see what a treasure this place is? We do not enjoy the varieties of bugs such as these in my part of the world and I would heartily laugh if someone were to describe them to me. It would seem like a phenomenal joke to me. But to be able to see so many wonders in the world not available easily to us is a treasure.

We wondered further into the museum to behold great jewels.....well actually just rocks. Ah , but SUCH rocks. Some are jewels. My little friend truly enjoyed these almost as much as the dinosaurs. And serendipitously, or should I say synchronistically, the first glass case he stopped at and was delighted by was the one containing the rhodochrosite. I say this because the Mister just returned from a business trip from Argentina, whose national gem is none other than the rhodochrosite. If you like the color pink, this is the stone for you.
And how about this specimen? Looks like it has grown out of a frozen tundra.

There is so much more to show and tell !!! I think that I'll just wait for another time to continue my little guided tour. But if you get the opportunity , if you're in the Boston /Cambridge area be sure to take a little time to explore for yourself. I guarantee it will be worth your time.
Wishing you an adventurous day, Cyth

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