Thursday, April 30, 2009


Last Year's photo

Oh my. I've been absent so very long. Or so it seems. Business, busy-ness I'd rather say, can mutate time phenomenonally. I've been ever so wrapped up in preparing for the Shop opening , painting, and placing ads, and making lists (checking them twice, thrice---or just trying to relocate the blasted things) , talking with the previous owner and friend, scheduling the opening of the space , then the opening of the shop, gathering necessities for organizing..........whew. I'm out of breath just writing this out. And I've sorely neglected others things ; the vacuuming, Spring cleaning ( LOL ), preparing the garden..... ooooo so many things that will just have to wait and be patient. We'll be winding down soon, I THINK.

Tomorrow is the BIG moving day. We can get back into the rental space that is the shop, aptly named Out of the Blue. (It came to me so named and ,truly, the name fit the means in which the opportunity was presented to me.) And I have to say that I am so fortunate to have friends around me willing to help with the big , mean , nasty stuff - the heavy moving, the cleaning , in general, the grunt work. I thank them a thousand times.

I think that I will scoot now. Just when I thought that my mind was clear , I find that I've got reminders of this to do , and that to do and my focus is scattered. I'll be back soon. And I'll bring photos to show you.

Our Spring weather here has been glorious. I hope yours has been as delightful and you're taking full advantage of Spring's blossoming.

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