Thursday, April 9, 2009

Time Flies

I've finally found my way back. Unfortunately I haven't got much time so this is likely to be quick. And why haven't I got the time? Simply, I'm inundated with "stuff" to do to get the shop ready for opening on May 9. It's an exciting time , but being a "newbie" I'm torn between doing this or doing that and everything seems to take more time than anticipated.

Time. An interesting exploration.

We always assume that Time is a constant. We mark our lives by the rising and setting of the sun , the changes in the seasons, mealtimes, birthdays, holidays. We set our schedules and ferociously cling to the hours & minutes , which we know by the watches we wear or the clocks on the walls. But Time is really an inconstant companion. Right now, I am scurrying to work out details of the shop's opening, paint more furniture to fill the shop, and on and on, in addition to everyday chores and commitments; like all of us engaged in living. But my watch , my calendar is playing tricks on me again.

I have been attending to many of these same activities for the shop since the New Year. I'd awaken in the mornings and pace myself. In January, my routine seemingly had a steady and rhythmic cadence. February I was still marching along,and actually thinking that progress was unfolding as it was meant to, so I wasn't paying too much attention; a nice, gentle floating through. March, and the madness started. Early on I began to have slight grumblings of tension, but unidentified it remain until we hit the Ides Of March. By mid/late March my days , though longer by daylight hours, actually were not long enough, or the hours were passing more quickly. By the beginning of April my hours & days were DEFINITELY passing with greater speed and urgency. And now , with just a month to go, the speed at which I'm traveling is frightening. I tell myself that the clocks tick the same as they were in January, the days still have but 24 hours, and the weeks still consist of 7 days,but I know that Time is passing more swiftly. My experience is that I'm approaching the start line with increasing speed.

When I berate myself for the contradictions in my thinking, I am reminded of a wonderful program from 30 years ago. It was a Boston based television show, New Heaven New Earth, hosted by Hubert Jessup. I believe that he was a graduate of divinity school and explored many spiritual themes in the show. ( I also believe that he was one of the first to interview the Dalai Lama in the US ). He also explored many other " New Age" subjects. And I distinctly recall an interview with a gentleman ( I have a vague recollection that he was a physicist----but that was many moons ago , and I may not be real sharp about that memory ) who was talking about Time. In trying to to offer a small sample of the mutable character of Time , they suggested that one need try only a quick experiment. Close your eyes, and keep them closed a number of seconds - a minute. Open your eyes and look at your watch. I should have prefaced this by saying that the watch should be in a position to easily view it upon opening your eyes. Extraneous movement tends invalidate the experiment. On your second try , close your eyes , and actively engage in relaxing behavior, breathe slowly and deeply, clear the mind of thoughts , worries , concerns, curiousities. Keep them closed until you feel yourself in a relaxed state. Open your eyes and look at your watch again. This time, if you've achieved a sufficiently relaxed mindset, you may actually notice that the second hand on your watch has momentarily hovered , then proceeds to move around the face of the watch. Yes. I had a hard time with that at the time, but was able to produce the same effect myself. It was as if Time had halted for a split second. Try it. If nothing else you will have achieved relaxation for a few splendid moments today.

Well if I thought that I could take the time to sit in relaxed meditation every now and again with the purpose of increasing the amount of TIME I had , I would do it. But I guess I'm caught up in the hurrying to complete my to-do lists, and ironically in so doing my time is speeding up. What an interesting predicament.

Well I must be off now ; my to-do list beckons.

Blessings on your day, and may you take the time for a moment's respite , Cyth

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