Sunday, March 29, 2009


My daffies in the rain

in just-

in Just-

spring when the world is mud-

luscious the little

lame baloonman

whistles far and wee
and eddieandbill come
running from marbles and
piracies and it's

when the world is puddle-wonderful

the queer
old baloonman whistles
far and wee
and bettyandisbel come dancing

from hop-scotch and jump-rope and



baloonMan whistles

It rained today ; hard pouring, drenching rain ; soft, barely- there misty rain : cold , dank, muddy rain. And it's Spring.

Yeeee Haaaaa ! I say, Yee Haaa.

I'll take the rain. It isn't white , and it doesn't stick, and it doesn't have to be shoveled. I'll take it, I will.

Many people grumble around these parts about "mud season". But I gotta tell ya, I love it. Like the e.e. cummings poem above , I think it is "mudluscious". Luscious, because I can smell the newly thawed earth. My eyes feast on the rich brown soil . My memory takes me back to childhood, when mud could be turned into imaginary pies , or hurtling missiles when my brother got under my skin.

There is so much potential in the rich , warm, wet earth. Before I can even see them, I can almost feel , from the bottoms of feet to the top of my head and every sensory nerve in between, the ground giving way to new life. The wood hyacinth, the crocuses, the daffies all rise through the mud to salute the new season. And like them , I too ,rise up out of my late winter funk to hail the the world all "mudluscious" and "puddle-wonderful".

And as for e.e. cummings , HE knew how to express the exuberance and light and joy of early Spring , with words so yummy & descriptive .

Wishing you a new week filled with wonder and awe--- a dancing, hop-scotching , jump-roping, whistling kind of luscious week.


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