Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Woman of a Certain Age

Ah. Dance weekend is coming up fairly soon. Can't wait to get my dancing shoes on. It'll be a few weeks,but that will give me some time to 1. limber up and 2. find me a pretty frock to wear.
I'll be needing that time for both those endeavors. We haven't been dancing in a really long time. Not sure my the legs will hold for the 4-5 lessons scheduled into the week-end, most of them for Saturday, never mind the dance the night before and the evening of ! Whew , I'm tired just thinking about it. I think I'll put a little music on now and again, and give that handsome dude I married a little swing around the living room. Just to remind HIM of what we're heading into.
Now , the dress. That's another ball of wax. What to wear? Why I think that might be one of the oldest questions in history. Hell, I do believe that even Eve bemoaned the fashion options way back when in the Garden. The story has it that she settled for a fig leaf. But I'm looking for something with a bit more coverage and durability. So I went online , being the lazy shopper that I am.
We've been told that the Saturday night dance is "dressy/formal". Oh boy. Options? That's been tough. I'm finding that they don't really design for a woman of a "certain age" ( a quote from my YOUNG physician---I just want to know WHEN I became a woman of a "certain age". I'm wondering if somehow I fell asleep and missed something. ) They design for the young or those lucky enough to be built like the young. And sister, that ain't me. Even when I WAS young and not a "woman of a certain age".
I found interesting little numbers that were strapless, body hugging, thigh tickling, slit to there, corseted, back baring-even belly button baring ( oh so nice to show off that adorable little belly button ring ) . I found long halter dresses with nice slimming lines that also featured retro pop designs like big ole targets strategically placed at the HIP? Yeah right. I found a cute short dress that covered quite a bit despite it being slightly above the knee . Okay, it MIGHT have caught my attention except that it was the color of a spring daffodil. I'm thinking that should I wear that I'd look like the whole FIELD of spring daffodils.
I'm looking for a style that will flatter the figure of a woman of a certain age. One must consider that one of a certain age will likely be wearing undergarments-well at least this woman will be. Once those garments are in place I then require that the next layer is one that can "accentuate the positive" . I really don't want to share with others what happens when the pantyhose collides with this winter's "insulation". It's just NOT a pretty sight. And I need a color that will enhance my skin color--- winter, pasty white. So I'm guessing that this season's "new" cream color is not going to be a good choice for me.
I think folks , that the HUNT is on. I'm pretty sure that there may be a dress out there for me. But I'm thinking it will take nothing less than an all out effort on the scale of finding Osama bin Laden. Wish me luck.


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