Monday, March 23, 2009

"Stream" of Consciousness

Well I'm happy to say that it is a BEAUTIFUL morning out today !!! It's COLD, but beautiful. The sun is shining brightly and the birds are singing their Springtime tunes. I can definitely live with it. I think a little walk is in order. But before I go I just want to tell you a little about my latest experiences. I stated in my blog title, magical exploration . I'm not sure that this qualifies for magic ( but I'm also not sure that it doesn't ) but I'd definitely put it in the CURIOSITY category , or for those of you believers, the SYNCHRONICITY category.

I'm bold enough to state that I am convinced that I am caught in a stream, a psychic stream, you might say, a synchronous stream, perhaps. And I'm becoming more and more and more convinced that there really are no such things as coincidences. Or if there are it is MIGHTY coincidental that I'm having a recurring pattern ( I guess that is a bit redundant ) of coincidental events ; small though they may be, it continues to happen.

You may recall a while back I wrote about the strange "coincident" of the "Leonard Cohen " subject; that within a week's time , from out of the blue, there were 3 incidents of his being brought to my attention. And I had not heard about him in many years. Well, I had one respondent to that post ( who was actually the 3rd in the chain ) who writes a SYNCHRONICITY blog (if you're interested check here ). And I've been following his blog ever since my little "coincident". In trying to explain to friend , who is equally interested in strange phenomenon, I was explaining to her that Leonard Cohen was a "big name" "back in the day". That in addition to him , Lawrence Ferlinghetti was also a " biggie" in the poetry world. So , I thought, ended that bit of synchronicity. Wrong. As I said , I've been following the blog about Synchronicity . Just 2 days ago , or somewhere in that time frame, I was reading another tale in their blog, quite separate in subject from my own. It was more accurately an intertwined tale , as I guess all synchronous events must be, and lo and behold, one of the featured personalities of the tale was none other than Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Now I just find this rather curious that those two poets have come to my attention in a repeated fashion of events. I have a hard time believing that it is mere coincidence.

I'm not stopping here , however. I TOLD youthat I was sure that I've been swooped into a stream, a stream of interrelated events. So, to continue my saga; last week I was busy painting my furniture in preparation for my shop opening in May. Mindless tasks are wonderful for flights of fantasy, imaginings, ruminations, ponderings - all manner of free flight of the mind. And so I began wondering , in much the same way the Cohen subject burst upon my consciousness, about a TV interior design personality that I used to watch and enjoy, but who I believed was no longer on TV. I had very much enjoyed her approach to design and liked the presentation of the show itself. And that was about the sum total of what I'd thought about that subject. A few days later , while thumbing through one of my "home & garden" magazines, I decided to read through a particular article. Usually I pour over the pictures but selectively read an article. I'd decided to read this article and there appeared , on the surface, to be no particular draw to this article. Well, as it turned out , the featured house had been decorated by the niece of the owner. Though only mentioned the one time , the niece turned out to be the very designer that I'd been pondering about those couple days earlier. Coincidence? You decide. At any rate, after an Internet search, I found the designer , and found that she does indeed still have a TV show--different station, same designer.

I doubt very much that I would have done the Internet search if I had not seen her mentioned in the magazine article. As I said, she had entered my mind and ,SEEMINGLY, just as quickly left it. It seems to me , however, my thoughts had been caught up into the flow of consciousness, and taken to where it wanted to go. I FOUND what I had been searching for.

I'm finding it rather curious that I similar incidents keep happening. I find it curious because these are not "big" events , and I don't really understand, especially in the Cohen/Ferlinghetti incidents what it is suppose to mean to me. Though I did find the designer that I was interested in , the poet "thing" seems not to have meaning , no conclusion. AM I to look for meaning in it?Are they just more clues to something larger? If there is no meaning to it , then why did it happen at all? So very many questions !

Well, I'll leave you with that for now. I'm off to get some lunch for the Mr. & me. I wish you a wonderful, magical day.


1 comment:

  1. Oh, I do love Leonard Cohen. . . I've been playing his greatest hits cd a lot lately. Early this month I saw the documentary "Leonard Cohen: Under Review: 1934-1977" and, the very next day, an article about him in Rolling Stone magazine!
