Monday, March 2, 2009

Synchronicity & a Boost from the Universe

I just have to write about this. It's a small matter , but it speaks to me. And I wonder what it is saying. Whatever it is really trying to say to me I don't know , I can tell ya that it helped lift my spirit a bit today (more snow and it's weighing on me heavily today ).... just because there seems to be a cosmic stream out there that is determined to snatch me into it and and show me the interconnectedness of even small things.

It all started while I reading the recent blog, A Fanciful Twist . Well , actually it started sometime within the past week and was "refreshed", shall I say , by reading her blog. Sometime in this past week, for what reason I have no idea, I began thinking about Leonard Cohen. He was a big name, a poet, back when , just about at the time of my "coming of age". It was an exciting time of self-learning & boundary experimentation, and a very active socio-political climate. And the unexpected and impromptu memory of Leonard Cohen brought back memories of that time. But I know not how or why that spark had been kindled. And I let it go.

Back to Vanessa's blog , today a delightful taste of gentle mystery. Woven into her tale was mention of, none other, than Leonard Cohen. I was astounded. Aside from the little flight of memory this past week , I have not heard much, if anything, about the poet in I don't know how many years. I mean YEARS. What a curious event that she would inject mention of him in her blog , is what I thought to myself. Too, I was thinking that perhaps she was referring to a different Leonard Cohen. So I followed the link in her blog. Sure enough , it was he. Hmmmmm. What am I to make of this? Why has his name popped up twice within a week? I didn't spend too much time thinking about it because it was still unrelated to anything except my memory, and that was unrelated to anything else --seemingly no significance to my current affairs. I went about my merry way.

I visited another blog that I enjoy and through one of the comments on her page , I followed the path back out of curiosity about the commenter. And man, didn't he also reference Leonard Cohen in his writing? Indeed he did. That is twice in one day , and three times inside of a week. Well , I tell ya, it kind of stopped me in my tracks.

Now I ponder IF there is meaning to this. As far as I can tell, it still has no significance to my life. As far as I can tell. Now I do believe that the universe DOES have ways to make a person sit up and listen. And it might not necessarily be what we are typically conditioned to listened to. Sometimes, like dreams, it's a kind of code, expressive but elusive. Maybe that's the case this time too. Or maybe , it's just a coincidence. I rather am intrigued by the code theory, so I guess I'll keep my antennae up for more communications. I WILL keep you updated if this little mystery of mine ( or my own making ) develops.

Have a magical evening,



  1. Very interesting. I don't believe in coincidences in cases like this. I think you're on the right track - keep your radar up!

  2. Hello,
    I can't help commenting. Just last night I was watching an interview with Leonard Cohen and he was talking about his time as a monk. What I saw lasted only about 10 seconds. When I mentioned it my wife this morning, she had no recollection of any such interview, and wondered if I'd dreamed it. Neither of us know if Cohen was a monk. Then I came across your blog and what a surprise...more Leonard Cohen!

    That said, you might be interested in our blog on synchronicity.
    Rob MacGregor

  3. Hello there...I have tried a while back leaving a comment to thank you for your lovely comment on my no avail...the word for verification never loaded... trying again! Come visit me again. Sorry about your snow :( Deborah
