Friday, February 27, 2009

Color Me Happy

Geez. It's been a while since I posted. Been busy, busy busy. I've begun in earnest to paint some of the millions of mismatched pieces of orphaned furniture we have stashed here , there and.....where else did I stash stuff? Oh yea,-Ma graciously took some of my orphans.---

I'm soooo lucky. My Ma and the Mr. 's Mom both have taken in the overflow. O YES. Overflow. Add all that to the inventory that came with the purchase of the shop. That is still at the previous owner's storage space. I haven't done an official inventory, but I can tell you that it is not just overflowing, it's overwhelming . But I think it is fair to say that I'm happily overwhelmed.

Happily overwhelmed because I LOVE paint ! Just love it. All those luscious colors. (I can't get enough paint chips ; those delectable color swatches that suggest all manner of renovation/renewal . And their names. I wouldn't mind having the job of naming all those paints. What FUN. But I digress. ) Just a little paint and a girl can change her space or mood, inject attitude, lighten & brighten or, darken & introduce a little mystery. Possibilities are yours for the imagining.

As I've mentioned before, I find myself responding to change of season through color. Just a very few weeks ago, I was all enthused about the Whites, the Winter whites. And since I'd begun the painting, that's what I painted with.--will post a photo of a sweet little cabinet just as soon as I get it "finished" off. These past couple of weeks I've begun to catch tiny glimmers of Spring ( though we are predominantly surrounded by snow still , AND there are predictions that there will be even more this week-end ----- ARGH ) ; the song of the birds, the slightly swelling buds on some trees, a bare touch of warmth in the air. And with that and the yearning it induces, I've found myself leaning toward the pastels ( my latest piece is a valet chair, now completely painted in pink- a nice chalky pink. But I'm not quite through with it. I've come to believe that "she" is begging for a flirty little skirt. And to complete the ensemble, , a strappy little belt. Oh yes! Just in time for the Easter Parade. )

Do you too crave change of color with the change of season? What are your colors? Are you a Spring? Summer? Winter? Autumn? Maybe you are a color chameleon? And what , if anything, does it say about you? I'm always drawn to turquoise & purple. Blues run a close second. Too, I will sometimes gravitate toward coral,burnt orange. And for wardrobe , I have quite a bit of black ; such a wonderful base on to which the other colors can pop.

If you're curious as to the psychology of color, associations and symbolism try
Have a colorful week-end, Cyth


  1. Oh, that sounds wonderful. You are going to have so much fun!

    I love color too. I'm going to take the little quiz. I'll let you know how I make out.


  2. Oh I think in color, I totally understand. Yes I wear lots of black also but as you can see from the blog I am drawn to red. Good luck with that orchid, my mom tells me that the worst thing you can do is water it too much. That is all my orchid knowledge.
    Thanks for visiting hopefully see you soon.

  3. Jo.... I'm curious. A color quiz? FUN.

    Kelley.... Thanks for the tip. Now a little prayer for my orchid. Oh by the way, I was wondering tonight if it needed to be watered. I think I'll hold off. Thanks !
