Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine Soiree


Welcome ! Welcome! The Time has come and I'm sooooo glad that you could make it to my little Valentine soiree.

If you would like to come in and sit for just a quick minute , I'll be with you in a jif.
I'm just finishing up hiding all the little envelopes for the Mr. Tee hee. I've inserted a little rhyming clue into each of the wee envelopes that I'd made a couple weeks ago. Now he has to go find his treats. I think I might stump him on at least one clue. Tee hee.
But anyway, I will join you back here in mere moments. I first must find my pearls. A girl without her pearls at an event like this is an almost unthinkable circumstance.

I'm back. Oh I see that you've met my little friend. He's looking a glum right now , but just wait till later. What I know , that he doesn't know , is that his sweetheart will be joining us a bit later. She had things to attend to "across the pond" , but has made it a point of coming home to surprise him on this festive day.

Well, this little "love bird" has been patiently waiting for you. He was hoping that you'd stop by , if only for a few minutes.

I just got word that another friend has just "blown the coop" and will be joining us as well. She doesn't get out often, but she's dressed for this occasion and ready to party.
Can't you begin to feel the anticipation? Friends, like yourself, are arriving and the atmosphere is getting lively. Don't you just LOVE Valentine's Day ? !

So , please grab a cup. There's plenty of tea .

Oh, but , that's right, there is punch as well. Mmmmmmmm. Everything is looking so good. Help yourself.

Oh do you see that devilishly good-looking gentleman over there? He's unattached at the moment (though it's hard to understand why. Not only is he good-looking but SUCH a GENTLEman. ). I do believe that he likes something a wee bit stronger than punch. Maybe you would like to take one of these glasses over to him and introduce yourself.

Ah. Here is our guest of honor !! Welcome. Surely wherever he is , Love springs eternal. Yes indeed, today is the day for honoring LOVE, of whatever flavor one chooses---platonic, romantic, passionate, familial, whatever. Let's raise a glass. And drink to LOVE.
I'm thinking that if you don't get on over to the table, you might not get one of the delicious cupcakes. What dreamy confectionery perfection ! Oops. I guess I've given myself away. I have to admit that I just HAD to sample one before my guests arrived. All in the name of quality control, of course. No truly. And it was only one !
Oh , you say you have to go ? Well I'm sooooo glad that you could stop by for a bit. Before you leave , be sure to take along a rose. I hand picked them just for this celebration. Maybe you should take another to give to a special friend. Do be sure to have a WONDERFUL Valentine's Day and thanks so much for coming.

With Love, Cyth

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