Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Stop and Smell the Roses

cough, cough.....cough...cough,cough,cough,cough...gasp........cough. Blasted "congestion" turned into a tsunami of unending noseblowing, coughing, gasping, rasping,tearing.. My sides ache from coughing,my throat is raw from coughing and there no amount of honey that's gonna soothe this. I think only time will heal this.

I'm actually feeling a bit better today. Yee haa. Can't get out of my own way, but at least I'm up and trying to dance. Cough---ouch. I'm usually down with the kids on Tuesdays, but I just couldn't do it this week. Probably won't make it tomorrow either. ------ I'll miss our Valentine's celebration. Ah well, LOVE is good any time of the year, wouldn't you say.

I always find it interesting that when I'm feeling sick, even when if on the mend , that all my perceptions, reactions, thoughts, pretty much everything,.........excuse me, chest-racking COUGH.............. s-l-o-w way down. On the one hand , I find that I'm surely not the brightest star in the sky , but on the other hand , I seem to notice nuances that usually go unseen,or at best relegated to unimportant. But , when ailing, it's as if everything is in slow motion and I can see details more thoroughly .

I was looking out the window yesterday as I lay in bed, and watched the bluejays pilfer all the seed from the bird feeder. And the color of the jays feathers were a blue to rival the color of the sky. The transition of the blue to an area of gray or white was more pronounced. Even the squawk of one bluejay to another was more piercing. It's really quite amazing. Does it sound weird to feel grateful for being sick, when one's senses are pleasurably heightened? I can tell you that I would not wish ill health on myself, or anyone, just for this sensation. But maybe I can be more mindful when I am in otherwise good health.

Enough. I am mending. And I am grateful for that.

Did you notice that despite being SICK , I was able to appreciate the MOON, full and glorious. I really wasn't up to running outside , but I did catch it through the bedroom window. Blessed be. Need I say more?

Good health to you all....and remember to stop and smell the roses,

My Valentine Tree

Oh yeah, don't forget that Valentine's day is almost here. Remember someone ,perhaps Yourself, with love.


  1. Your comment about the moon really got to me. I have a thing about the moon. Hope you're feeling better!

  2. Ah Andrea.....another Aquarius !!!! Happy Birthday and yes, thank you , I'm feeling human again.
