Thursday, July 9, 2009

By the Light of the Moon

Ah. You might have thought thatI was just a one moon kind of girl. Not so. Though I haven't written about it in a "blue moon" , I have still heard the call of the moon, felt the draw. It's just that it's been so darned rainy, cloudy, gloomy & wet. We haven't seen the full moon in months. BUT , this month the clouds broke just enough . And WHAT an interesting phenomenon. Hovering just above the cresting moon, what seems to be an all-seeing eye!
But wait, what's that I hear? In the distance , muffled by the low ground fog, I hear the cry of a ....wolf? No, it sounds like a cry of a lost soul , a little hysterical, a little mournful ........pleading? Searching. It has a pull, even as it fills me with foreboding. ( The full moon too is like that , seductive & fascinating with dark promises.) I'm drawn to search out the origin of that cry, perhaps to soothe the pained soul , but when I look skyward again, the eye , whose eye? sends me scampering back toward the door. I find myself torn , frozen to one spot, unable to continue forward, unwilling to turn back. I stand and watch & wait.
While in my silent arrest , the eye above seems to send out a thin silver cord connecting to me , to my inner eye. For a brief moment , I neither fear , nor am I drawn to move. I feel a calm settle over me. I understand that the call I hear is not for me. Nature has her own ways of communicating , ways that we are not usually privy to. And it has been by a small crack in the fiber of the universe that I could , for just a brief moment, hear the distant whispering of one of Earth's other realms.
I hope that you enjoyed this month's full moon as well.

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