Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

Happy Fourth of July from small town N.H. !

The big parade passed right by the shop this morning. Lots of red , white and blue and high spirits. The sun shone brilliantly, with just enough of a breeze to keep it feeling comfortable. (That in itself was enough to cheer about after the 30 something days of rain we've had.) A good number of patriotic floats and cars, costumes, banners and music.

But I'd like to know what antique boats and bad Elvis impersonators on bicycles have to do with an Independence Day parade. For that matter , there were a number of construction vehicles, and one mobile dog washing van as well. Yes, I understand that it is the American Way to take every opportunity to advertise oneself. But doesn't it belittle the meaning of a Fourth of July parade & celebration? Just a wee bit maybe? I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, so to speak, but I just bristle at the commercialism. I know, this isn't the time perhaps to rant , it's just that....................

Anyway, true to form for this Spring/Summer ,not too long after the parade broke up, the sky grew ominous, the wind picked up and before you could say "Aunti Em " the heavens opened up with a crash of thunder and buckets of rain soaked us yet again. Perhaps it was a fitting display and prelude to tonight's fireworks ; for the sky is again clear and blue , and I do believe the fireworks will go off.

I'm off to join a few friends in offering a salute to our hard fought and maintained Independence. I wish you all good cheer on this July fourth.

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