Monday, August 24, 2009

Betwixt & Between

I know , I know. It's been a long while. Guilty as charged. Just can't quite pul myself together to blog. Have run up against a psychological wall. Though I would like to be chatting about something....well, anything , I just can't manage at the moment. Have lost the little momentum that I had. I will try to pull out of this. In the meantime some pictures from the shop. I know Iknow. I was going to blog about the shop too and I haven't. I hope for now that these photos will do.


  1. There is something wrong with that "Another Frustration" post. I couldn't make a comment to it. Might be some glitch there. Suggest you delete it and try again. I'd love to see your shop photos. I'm open seven days this month so I'm getting around even less than normal or I would try to stop in!

  2. Anita,Thanks for letting me know about the problem . There must be some glitch SOMEWHERE. This technology can be great , but "when it's bad, it's so so bad".
