Thursday, August 27, 2009


Well it seems to me today that it would be a wise move on my part to redefine success for myself. I guess that I have decided to take "success" out of the big leagues and look for smaller and more attainable successes. This , for instance, I shall consider a success.

Number one , I actually achieved success in linking to the Internet from The Shop. I can't even begin to tell you how frustrated I have been trying to get this, my new laptop,to access the Internet from here in the shop. Never mind me. Let me tell ya, the Mr. has been in a handful of times and the curse words from him , who never curses, were numerous and vehement. We even managed to lock up the computer in an effort to set it loose in cyber space. Then a friend a renter of my little shop space, came by in an effort to try her laptop in this endeavor. Somehow we managed to disable her homepage. She too , left muttering , shall I say, impolite words. But before we screwed up the homepage she tripped on a small revelation and suggested that I try. Lo and behold, today I find myself linked to the great beyond. ( No , not a glimpse of Heaven- just a corner of the Internet. ) Success Number One !

Number Two, I could actually upload ( download ?)--- somehow get my photo to manifest on the blog. Couldn't do it from home as you know if you read my lament in the last post. So , now I'm thinking that MAYBE I can figure out why I can't do it from the home computer. Ain't I a genius ? (Before answering that , let me remind you that I only had a glimmer of an idea about what to do. It hasn't been tested out yet. But if you still want to consider me a genius , I will accept that graciously. ) So pictures I can now give you. Yay. Success Number Two.

I realize that these are regarded by most as just minor obstacles , perhaps even laughable. To a technologically challenged individual, myself for instance, these are MOUNTAINS. And I managed to scale these mountains with a little help from my friends, and that my friends, is worthy of a pat on the back. And I'm thinking that my arms are long enough to give myself that pat.

We live in a harsh world, many opportunities to be shown our failures. We (or perhaps I should speak only for myself --- I ) I find it only too simple to find my failings and then beat myself up about it. I expect a heck of a lot more from myself than I would another , and true to the expectation , I usually find myself lacking. I think that I will redouble my efforts to see the success I achieve and perhaps even celebrate them , just a wee bit.
Today, I'm feeling bouyed. Two successes in succession. A pat on the back for me and a photo for you. ( Hope to get more on tomorrow )
A big hooray for all of you that achieved even one small success today, Cyth

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