Thursday, February 25, 2010

White on White

Dirty snow. Not a pretty sight. But it can be a hopeful one. It , of course, means that we haven't had sufficient new snow to cover it and perhaps Spring is almost within our grasp. Not that you could particularly tell today for it is cold and raining; raw to the bone. But with the cold rain we get a glimpse of "things to come". By that I mean "Mud Season'. That's what we call the next seasonal phase up here in NH.
Harbinger of Mud Season
But I know not to quite believe that it is upon us yet , though it might be beginning to look that way. We'll surely get more white stuff to have to shovel and and bemoan before the onslaught of the mud. So as I continue to prepare furniture pieces and themes for the Shop I'm again, and still, enamored of White on White.

Here I have a few piece of milk glass that I've been collecting ( because they are still affordable ; unlike some of the other collectibles that I used to acquire). And how crisp and cool they look against the snow.

I'm always inspired by white on white during mid-winter when snow piles on top of snow. It's clean. It reflects lots of light. It's expansive. Come Spring my palette changes in a way that reflects the burgeoning growth of new life. Summer suggests deeper , lusher color , and my furniture reflects that too.
But I'm toying again with doing a "white on white corner" in the shop this year. I thought that last year I'd do that , but nixed the idea after painting 2 pieces of furniture white. This time 'round I think I'll stick with the scheme and see how it works out. Afterall who wouldn't appreciate a little cool crisp corner in the heat of summer?
If you are interested in milk glass you might want to check out Eddie Ross' etsy site. I've seen some lovely pieces there; some with cutwork effects , some more unusual pieces. I'm sure ebay offers lots of choices as well. Then you too can enjoy some cool white in the heat of summer.

Wishing you a white and wonderful day , Cyth

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