Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Devastation in Haiti

Good Morning,

I hope it is a good morning for you. I woke up this morning , my grandkids were happy and laughing. I enjoyed breakfast with them, modest though it might have been. I helped them get dressed and washed and off to school. There were hugs and kisses all around. The world was looking pretty rosy for me this morning. Then i returned to the house, powered up the computer and felt like I'd just walked into a brick wall.

The news reports on the earthquake in Haiti. The devastation there won't even be fully realized for days.

I couldn't even look at all the pictures. A few were enough for me. And my heart goes out to all who are there, either still caught in the debris, or looking for family & friends who may still be caught. I pray that many are sent a miracle , that they are found or loved ones are found. I hope that the world has heart enough to send all who can, go to help in the search and later in the recovery.

I pray that everyone who can , open their hearts and send a loving thought or prayer out to the country of Haiti. Miracles CAN happen. And the greater the prayer, the more auspicious the answer.

Blessings, Cyth

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