Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hello again,

I was going to try .....really I was..... to post more frequently this year than last. I'm trying hard to balance my ambivalence about this whole blog endeavor with some joie de vivre. Mostly, I guess one could tell which side is winning the struggle. Ah, but this is not what I wanted to get started about tonight. ( I'll tackle it another evening.....perhaps when I'm all around feeling stronger---------- You see, I've been D-O-W-N this past week with some manner of nasty virus !!!! I can barely get out of my own way, even today, day #6. Urgh ! )

What I am endeavoring to show you , but not without a circuitous lead-in, is my latest little "orphan furniture" paint job. The photos above and the one below were some that I'd taken before the snow began to fly, though it was nearly cold enough then to have it fly. I was walking through the backyard one bright frosty afternoon and was totally taken in with the frost-etched images right in front of me. It wasn't for a few weeks yet , that I would begin to see the impact of that chilly stroll. But once I had finished a delectable side table in pewtered lavender, I began to realize the influence of that icy landscape (previous post). So I went back to review some of the photos , and sighed a big " Ah Ha ". Yes , I do think Mother Nature was speaking to me.
So , my INSPIRATIONS, ..........well a few of them..... ABOVE ................AND it's manifestations in my world of painted furniture , BELOW.

And well pleased I am . Hugely grateful I am that, too, I had that opportunity to witness AND express from within me the beauty I witness around.

And expectantly hopeful I am that come "shop time" someone may just see this polished up orphan and want to take her home. Surely she will place a smile on someone's countenance. And surely she will offer someone a hint of a frosty late fall stroll .
Thanks for dropping by. I'll try to share more frequently, unless , of course, that ambivalent side wins out again.

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