Sunday, January 3, 2010

Through the Viewfinder

The snow started Thursday and it has hardly quit since then. I've been in self proclaimed exile, sequestered in the house and trying to weed through all my "treasures" down in the "hell hole", otherwise referred to as my work space. Problem was that it had gotten so FULL of projects and Christmas wrappings and "stuff" that there was hardly any space left , including breathing space . So when the Mister decided that I needed some warm and cushy floor covering on the basement floor , I was forced into doing the clean up. And that has been ongoing just as long as the snow. And I'm sick of both. But I will continue.... I figure that I've only got about a day left and I'll be in good shape down there. Hope Mother Nature is feeling the same way !!!
I got a new toy this Christmas, an old Kodak DuaflexIII, and I'm having a good time trying to work it out. I've only recently become aware of photography technique of TtV ( Through the Viewfinder ), whereby you take a picture with one camera as it focuses through the viewfinder of another camera. I love the effects , though most of my attempts so far have ranged from ghost-like to blurry to too this or too that to crooked to okay. Actually I think that I'm doing pretty well for a newbie who really doesn't understand her camera in the first place. The photos that you see here are some of my successful attempts. ( The bottom one was one of the very first. I think that I am already seeing some improvement.--- Yeah, well, that's what I'm telling myself anyway.)

I think that it's a good thing to learn something new every once in a while. I do believe that it fires up some of those synapses that have gotten lethargic. I was considering taking up a new language, but with my new gift, I guess I'll go with this for now. I hope that this New Year offers you some wonderful opportunities to take up something new, stretch your creativity, spark those old neurons, and just have fun.
Thanks for dropping by, Cyth

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