Saturday, January 31, 2009

Off to the Races

Yes, it was off to the races today. Sled dog races ,that is. The Mr. talked me into donning my finest Winter-wear ( don't even get me started about that ) and heading out to watch the dogs run. Well, I figured , the white stuff is going to be around for a while , no point in fighting it . So began my 30 minute ordeal of searching in the all the darkest corners of the house for the ski pants , the fashion-forward hat, the gloves AND mittens so that my normally cold digits don't develop frostbite. Where did I put my new boots? They're NEW. How far away could they get? Ah. There they are. Camera? Check. Tea for warming later? Check. A last look at the thermometer---- 20 degrees. Hey, that's not so bad. I've got a stand-up collar on my jacket, forget the scarf.

Well 20 degrees is a heck of a lot different than 20 degrees and a fierce wind blowing down the mountain and across the frozen lake ( could have been the tundra for all the warmth in it ). Wish I brought the scarf.

Arriving at the lake, one of my local favorites, we had to park W-A-Y back , and so had to walk a wee bit of a distance. Not bad; started the circulation , which I would be needing anyway. Couldn't see the dogs, but man, could you hear them. As if I weren't ambivalent enough about tethering these poor creatures to each other and a sled carrying a man, their barking, baying, whimpering, howling sent shivers down me. It sounded like a mass canine execution. And I began to ponder the necessity for this sport. Yadda, yadda, do we really need to subject these noble animals, man's best friend, to shackles for our entertainment? So began my inner tirade. Fortunately , the icy wind drove a little finger into me and arrested the next thought about to spring forward.

So I relaxed a bit , looked around, ignored the yaps from the dogs and tried to take in and understand from another point of view. And what I came to see was that the barks and noises coming from the animals was excitement and anticipation. Truly. I watched them . They were barely able to contain themselves;in fact it took 2 or 3 people to do so. As it was being announced when each new team was to take off ( and I mean TAKE OFF ! ) , they would have a countdown. By the time the announcer was on 5 ( seconds left to go ) the dogs were howling MADLY , leaping into the air , gulping snow, as if on drugs. They hit " go" and like a whip the team was off and the only sound was the swoosh of the sled as it sped by. Like night and day.

You can see the look of utter intent in the eyes of these dogs. It's almost scary. Their ice blue eyes seem only to see the open lake, to reflect their need for the snow crunching beneath their paws as they speed through the course. This is what they were born for, for what they have trained. They do , I now believe, live for this. And now I wonder; if they were taken away from this, to comply , with what I initially thought would be only humane, what of them then? Like most of us... we've trained for something - teaching, mothering, doctoring, dancing, writing, name it. Or maybe through our hobbies, crafts, sports, we have trained , prepared, andyearned to work at something that compels us, that fulfills us, that helps us understand ourselves better, gives expression to our desires and needs. What now, if it were taken away?

What if that fulfilling work can no longer be ours? We begin to lose our compass, our internal compass that gives us direction , even meaning in our lives.

I've now begun to wonder; what would become of these dogs ,if dog-sledding were to be taken away , by well-meaning humanitarians, like myself ? Their need to run would still be there. If not able to do that, how could they express those internal energies? Who would I be without the means to express my internal energies ?
Ah, I'm into this way too deeply. Suffice it to say, I've come away with a renewed perspective.

And that may just be the most important lesson.

I'll tell ya. These little kids didn't barrage themselves with questions , no sir. When they got cold and races were at a standstill, they made themselves a little snowblind and hunkered right down in -- no icy wind for them, no debating the fairness of mans use of man's best friend , just a simple answer to to their immediate need. I like that. Simplicity.
I'd say that it turned out to be a rather nice day at the races.

Good evening,

Friday, January 30, 2009

Snowflakes And Paperlace

So I do believe that when I last stopped by to share a bit with you, I was rapturously ranting about Snow White, and I don't mean the folklore damsel. I believe that I was awestruck by the beauty of the winter scene outside my window. And indeed, it was beautiful....and inspiring. I've got pages added to my Shop Journal with regard to a White Nook planned for the shop. But I gotta tell ya, I'm tiring of the schlepping through snow & slush. Wednesday's storm ( 11 more inches ) nudged me just a little too close to the edge. The white, when it's not coatedwith dirt and sand from the plowing, is still sparkling and refreshing, yes. But the gray overcast sky has continued to threaten even more , though only a few stray flakes fall. It is the overhanging threat that has got me teetering.
But Valentine's day is nearly on our doorstep. This is not a good time to plummet to the depths of Winter Madness; not yet. So with the snow flying around me without and the Valentine anticipation whirling around within , I HAD to spend some time today
melding these diverse emotions. Yes, I'm afraid to admit, but admit I will, that I retreated to my childhood winter pasttime of cutting paper snowflakes. But wait , I added a spin to it. As you might have noticed in the picture above, I cut HEARTS into the folded paper......and cut and cut and cut. When I finished, what I beheld were beautiful samples of Paper Lace. ( Well these were just my "try-me's"). I've now got plans for more exacting, more intricate designs. ( I was so excited that I'd turned my mood around , I even managed to try making some bread pudding. And it turned out pretty well, considering I hate to cook. And such COMFORT in some warm bread pudding! Yee Haa ! Feeling much better---at least for tonight ).

Above is the paper that I'd begun with. It is actually a photocopy of a piece of scrapbook paper , lightened so that my writing wouldn't have to compete for attention . I then proceeded to spend the next hour "practicing" my calligraphy by writing out the lyrics to the old Marvin Gaye/Tammy Terrell song , Precious Love ( "Heaven must have sent your precious love..."). Of course, appropriate words for a Valentine. (Could be something for The Mr.). Then with a bit of tea by my side I started the requisite cutting, folding, cutting, cutting, cutting. Yeah, it was just momentarily scary thinking about cutting up an hour's worth of calligraphy, but as my teacher Nancy Culmone ; ( a wee sample of her work : ) always told us , " Nothing is ever lost.". So I cut and cut and cut some more. and when I finished that , I began to wonder what would happen if I cut first , on plain paper, THEN added words and embellishment. Ta Da. This was my next "try-me".

OOOO. So much more I can do ! Just wait till I get out all my pens and papers, glitter?,anything ooey, gooey, hearty, Valentine-y........... I'll stop here and spare those of you who are less enthusiastic about this great celebration. I'm sure there is at least one, but for the life of me I can't understand.
So now I'm thinking that they'd be terrific scanned into the computer and printed out to make notecards, HEY ,maybe even Valentine cards. Whaddya think?
Wishing you a LOVEly evening.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Must Be a Blue Moon

Okay, I know I said that I wouldn't talk about the moon -at least for another month-but I just can't help myself. The Moon calls to me. ( As an aside-- I do believe that my name derives from the Goddess Diana, who is the Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon. Coincidence? Fate? More fairy tales? ). I've tried all week to ignore my compulsion to share this moon stuff. Finally I just decided , what the heck, why fight myself about it. So here is another moon.

Seriously, I awakened at my usual early hour the morning after the snow and was compelled to open the shade. And there she was in her crescent glory. What a glorious morning this was to be , with that silver sliver just hanging there, the spruce looking as though it would reach up to caress it. And look at those laden branches; snow, piles of white, light, puffy snow.

And there , you see, the Spruce has nearly captured the Moon. I'm sure he just wants to give it a little hug, for surely it is a good thing to greet the day with a hug, and to send the Moon to bed with a friendly little hug.

As the sun rose and light trickled ever so stealthily, the view outside looked like a marshmallow and powdered sugar world. how could this be anything but a glorious day!?

But as you'll see, the Moon has her own ways , conspiring with the morning sky .




And so the day had begun. I had my eye full of moon shenanigans and marshmallow mounds. There could not have been a more auspicious beginning.

Here I am this Sunday. The beginning of a new week. Though I've had enough of snow, no matter how beautiful to the eye, I wish for another exhilarating start---for me , for you.

Enjoy and blessings,

Sunday, January 18, 2009

White on White

Well that title just makes me want to break out in song..." White on white , lace on satin, little baby's ...." but I guess that dates me a little. Okay, yes, I am THAT old. Now that I've confessed, I'd like to tell you what I'm really thinking about.

Another snowfall today. And Focus and Inspiration.

It's a gentle, consistent snowfall that is accumulating nicely, like a froth of white frosting on a wedding cake. Everything is muted by the the falling snow. Sounds are muffled, vision muted as if a scrim were dropped, suggesting of objects in the distance without clear vision of them ; only a layering with furthest objects dimly silhouetted, nearer ones a more visible gray outline.

Winters are like this around here. White and white and more white. Bright white when the sun finally shines. Then again muted white with the next snow. Sometimes it can be a wet white. It can be lacy, as it drifts on to the tree branches. Sparkly white if it has melted and refrozen.So many permutations. But it takes focus to appreciate it.

Most winters I just moan and fuss that Winter seems endless, the snow a nuisance, the cold , bitter. But I determined this year to accept it with at least a modicum of good grace. And I have been rewarded. I have determined that to "weather" the Winter I should try to embrace it, be with it. And what has quietly unfolded for me has been the beauty, sometimes a peace in this white , wintry blanket. And Inspiration.

The inspiration did, however, need a little nudge. That nudge came for me in the form a a wee gift from a friend. Knowing that I am also a calligrapher, she'd picked up a copy of Victoria Magazine for me , as there is in it tributes to the writing arts. But much within the covers of the magazine is a tribute to white, or as the cover states, "Winter White Magic". Page after page is filled with white; white adornments, accessories, bits of whimsy , luxury and comforts.

I'm usually attracted by color, all kinds of color, bright to muted. White usually leaves me cold. But it is as though there is a conspiracy of late to involve me in a white frame of mind. The variations of whites , from stark to warm, to off-white to muted neutrals is now stimulating. Textures and patterns, whether in lacy bed linens or frosted windows are suddenly energizing to me.

And where will this inspiration take me. Well I thought about white on white Valentines ( the purity of Love , and all that ) , but I'm just a sucker for red, pink , hot pink for that celebration, I set that idea aside ( though I may revisit it later). No, I thought that I would plan a CORNER of my shop in white. I can envision it now, white wicker, a swag of white flowers illuminated by tiny little lights, maybe some white paper lanterns, a parasol in white ,perhaps a small writing desk ( I've got one just awaiting my decision as to what color to paint it- I think I've just decided) a mother-of-pearl handled letter opener, an off white throw, maybe a photo or two I've taken this winter---ooooooh this list could just go on and on. ( Incidently, featured in the magazine is a shop called White Flowers that is ENTIRELY white. That might be just a bit much for me. But it looks absolutely ethereal in the magazine. One could imagine angels dropping by to purchase a new pair of wings in a shop like that. )

And though my shop is just a "summer season" shop, white in summer can be even more compelling , when the heat of the day and the pavement begs for relief. I am reminded of Childe Hassam's paintings, often strongly white in hue. And whether he is depicting summer or winter, they can offer a sweet frosting-like envelope with which to surround oneself.

I must be on my way now. Thanks for dropping by. I'll leave with this little quote and an armful of white wishes, Cyth

"White ... is not a mere absence of colour; it is a shining and affirmative thing, as fierce as red, as definite as black.... God paints in many colours; but He never paints so gorgeously, I had almost said so gaudily, as when He paints in white."
--Gilbert Keith Chesterton [British author, 1874–1936] “A Piece of Chalk,” Tremendous Trifles (1909)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Valentine Anticipation

No more celestial ravings ( at least not for another 28 days ). Though I have to tell you the sky and the air today was sparkling. We received a wee bit more snow this morning on top of that which fell yesterday. Then the clouds cleared and the clarity of brightness was quintessential New Hampshire. As it streamed through the windows ( which were cleaned but a few days ago-yeah) and caressed objects around the room, it brought life back into them. What had been so familiar and seemingly unremarkable, were nearly animated with a new energy. My eyes could see them again ,freshly.

Just look at those diligent little workers:

And such a comely Miss is she:

But there I go.........

When what I'm really excited to share is my love for Valentine's Day.

" 'The time has come' ,the Walrus said, 'to talk of many things.' " And for me it is never too soon to talk about Valentine's Day; that ooey, gooey, pink, red , heart a-pitterpatter, celebration of Love. Old Love, young Love, passionate Love, familial Love, falling in get my drift.

Unlike the other Winter holiday ( the one that begins with a "C" ), this one is all for fun . It has it's own trappings , that's for sure. But it just doesn't carry the same baggage as the "other" one. No stress, no obligations. Isn't it too bad that the big "C" holiday, the one that should be the epitome of Love, is weighted with the running and preparing and shopping and wrapping and partying OR (for some)the obvious lack thereof ,that some of us bear it heavy in our hearts. But I speak for myself, and it is really not of this that I wish to speak.

Rather , VALENTINE'S Day. Lightness & frivolity . Flirtations. Hearts & flowers. Candy; NEVER forget candy-chocolate especially ! Cupids & arrows. With this as a backdrop I want to share with you my Valentine cards. I've got some "hot off the press" and newly installed in my little etsy shop. Please notice the sweet little mini -envelopes affixed to the cards. Well, IF you would like to make your own little envelopes and insert your own sweet greeting to attach to your own frothy Valentine , I am offering you my template---just because I LOVE this celebration.

Now this is where it gets tricky. Technologically speaking, I am NOT swift. So I hope it works. So stick with me while I try to get the template in place :

Well It's here . I hope it works. If it doesn't work out, I'll try to find another means to git it to ya. (Told ya I was LESS than tech-savvy. I DID warn you! )

Well I must be off. There is plenty of time to talk more of this luscious ,scrumptious day; and so we will another time. I wish you a heart-filled evening.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Full Moon Madness

Have you viewed this full moon? Hauntingly exquisite . So it was this early morning, with it's two companion stars to the left of it. As it is my custom to rise early to do my exercises and meditation, so it was this morning....5:40 a.m. and crazy cold . Though I'd pulled most of the shades closed against the cold last night, the front kitchen window was not. The eery whiteness on the snow beckoned to me and insisted that I raise the shade in the west window. And so I did.

The shimmering silver moon shined in through the window. I stood transfixed and awed at its size and commanding presence. I felt bathed by the moonbeams as they traversed the bright night landscape, and filtered through the window. I could almost feel moon-illumined fingers slowly , gently, ease through my muscles , seeping into me , brightening my day though dark remained outside. It filled me with an acquiescent calm and wonder. It felt silken. No, it felt more slick, like quicksilver.

I'd not have been surprised to find myself transported to an ancient time, among a mythical , long-forgotten people. Within a snow-packed ring, we huddle together for warmth and strength, beckoning the Moon to bestow the necessary blessings for the continuance of the clan. Offerings are presented : fire , in thanks for the warmth of family and friends and hearth ; herbs , in gratitude for health and healing; and root vegetables in thanks for our sustainance. As we stand hand in hand, that giant silvery orb, our sister, the Moon, seems as if to smile upon us. Suddenly.............

POP. I am aware of my kitchen again. The bubble that was a momentary moondance, burst. The moon slips behind the trees. I am smiling. The day is full of possibilities.----
And so indeed it was. Some accomplishments, some promises for tomorrow. A quiet , wintry walk with the Mr.

Tonight's moon is so very different than this early morning's moon. Snow has been predicted, to begin by midnight. The clouds are gathering and shrouding the moon , eery, but not so commanding. New possibilities beckon.

Wishing you a very good night and nocturnal blessings,

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Magic Happens

It works. I sooooo did not want to prepare supper last night, and was wishing that Magic would whip one together. An angel heard me ( that would be Ma ) , and as if by psychic telecommunication, she invited the Mr. and me to supper. YeeHaaa! I was a happy camper, for sure. Though the wind was still howling and the temps MIGHTY chilly, we tootled over and enjoyed turkey and all the fixin's. The Mr. brought what was left of his homemade pie. YUM ! As if the food and the laughs weren't good enough, Ma wouldn't let me do the dishes.

Sated and jovial I arrived back home, checked my email and was delighted to receive a response to an inquiry I'd made. Okay, let me back up just a little. I've been trying to teach myself Tarot card reading. I'm plodding along frustratingly slowly. I'd decided to look for a teacher, some one to guide and encourage. I'd dropped the line and was hoping for a catch , but there was not a bite. Then the Mr. reminded me that a dance teacher that we'd had as a coach when we did a local "Dancing with the Stars" was also an intuitive. Yeah, right. But do you think I could remember her name OR her dance studio. That's right, cognitive malfunction. A couple days later, in honor of the New Year ( new beginnings and all ), I'd decided that I would clean off the leaning towers piled on my desk. And wouldn't you know, there was her business card. BINGO.
I sat right down, sent off an email, reconnected with her. She is a lovely , warm and gracious lady, who indeed was willing to help me in this , shall I say, mystical, quest. ( And should you find yourself interested you can check out her website )
So there you have it. Supper AND an intuitive guide. MAGIC. That's what I'm talking about.
Till next time,

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year and Magic

Welcome to the New Year and welcome to Out of the Blue.

New year, new starts, much anticipation.

I'm catching this wave while the tide is still high. I put it out there last New Year's to greet and accept Magic in my life. I was happily validated this past Fall when as if from "out of the blue" an opportunity was presented to me AND the means to take advantage of the opportunity. That opportunity was, serendipitously, named Out Of The Blue ; a wonderful little summer- season shop that I worked at part time for the last three summers and is now mine.

So now I'm all awhirl in magical possibilities.

Something surely has been set in motion and I'm caught up in the momentum, which I will gladly surf through for as long as I can hang on. The last time this happened to me I met and fell - more like a freefall- in love with my Mr., but that is another story. For now I'll ride this wave and tingle with anticipation, maybe shiver a little with anxiety, but thoroughly enjoy the ride.

I'd like to show you around my little shop, chat about some of my plans, maybe get a little feedback; and I aim to do just that once I find my way around here. (I hope you are a patient lot for I'm not a particularly astute student technologically.) I've also got an etsy shop, Hummingwords , that is sorely in need of a bit of care. That's next on my to do list for this New Year.

Off now to tackle another "thing" on my to do list. How I wish Magic would make us a good meal.

Blessings for the New Year,
