Saturday, January 10, 2009

Full Moon Madness

Have you viewed this full moon? Hauntingly exquisite . So it was this early morning, with it's two companion stars to the left of it. As it is my custom to rise early to do my exercises and meditation, so it was this morning....5:40 a.m. and crazy cold . Though I'd pulled most of the shades closed against the cold last night, the front kitchen window was not. The eery whiteness on the snow beckoned to me and insisted that I raise the shade in the west window. And so I did.

The shimmering silver moon shined in through the window. I stood transfixed and awed at its size and commanding presence. I felt bathed by the moonbeams as they traversed the bright night landscape, and filtered through the window. I could almost feel moon-illumined fingers slowly , gently, ease through my muscles , seeping into me , brightening my day though dark remained outside. It filled me with an acquiescent calm and wonder. It felt silken. No, it felt more slick, like quicksilver.

I'd not have been surprised to find myself transported to an ancient time, among a mythical , long-forgotten people. Within a snow-packed ring, we huddle together for warmth and strength, beckoning the Moon to bestow the necessary blessings for the continuance of the clan. Offerings are presented : fire , in thanks for the warmth of family and friends and hearth ; herbs , in gratitude for health and healing; and root vegetables in thanks for our sustainance. As we stand hand in hand, that giant silvery orb, our sister, the Moon, seems as if to smile upon us. Suddenly.............

POP. I am aware of my kitchen again. The bubble that was a momentary moondance, burst. The moon slips behind the trees. I am smiling. The day is full of possibilities.----
And so indeed it was. Some accomplishments, some promises for tomorrow. A quiet , wintry walk with the Mr.

Tonight's moon is so very different than this early morning's moon. Snow has been predicted, to begin by midnight. The clouds are gathering and shrouding the moon , eery, but not so commanding. New possibilities beckon.

Wishing you a very good night and nocturnal blessings,

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