Sunday, January 4, 2009

Magic Happens

It works. I sooooo did not want to prepare supper last night, and was wishing that Magic would whip one together. An angel heard me ( that would be Ma ) , and as if by psychic telecommunication, she invited the Mr. and me to supper. YeeHaaa! I was a happy camper, for sure. Though the wind was still howling and the temps MIGHTY chilly, we tootled over and enjoyed turkey and all the fixin's. The Mr. brought what was left of his homemade pie. YUM ! As if the food and the laughs weren't good enough, Ma wouldn't let me do the dishes.

Sated and jovial I arrived back home, checked my email and was delighted to receive a response to an inquiry I'd made. Okay, let me back up just a little. I've been trying to teach myself Tarot card reading. I'm plodding along frustratingly slowly. I'd decided to look for a teacher, some one to guide and encourage. I'd dropped the line and was hoping for a catch , but there was not a bite. Then the Mr. reminded me that a dance teacher that we'd had as a coach when we did a local "Dancing with the Stars" was also an intuitive. Yeah, right. But do you think I could remember her name OR her dance studio. That's right, cognitive malfunction. A couple days later, in honor of the New Year ( new beginnings and all ), I'd decided that I would clean off the leaning towers piled on my desk. And wouldn't you know, there was her business card. BINGO.
I sat right down, sent off an email, reconnected with her. She is a lovely , warm and gracious lady, who indeed was willing to help me in this , shall I say, mystical, quest. ( And should you find yourself interested you can check out her website )
So there you have it. Supper AND an intuitive guide. MAGIC. That's what I'm talking about.
Till next time,

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