Sunday, January 18, 2009

White on White

Well that title just makes me want to break out in song..." White on white , lace on satin, little baby's ...." but I guess that dates me a little. Okay, yes, I am THAT old. Now that I've confessed, I'd like to tell you what I'm really thinking about.

Another snowfall today. And Focus and Inspiration.

It's a gentle, consistent snowfall that is accumulating nicely, like a froth of white frosting on a wedding cake. Everything is muted by the the falling snow. Sounds are muffled, vision muted as if a scrim were dropped, suggesting of objects in the distance without clear vision of them ; only a layering with furthest objects dimly silhouetted, nearer ones a more visible gray outline.

Winters are like this around here. White and white and more white. Bright white when the sun finally shines. Then again muted white with the next snow. Sometimes it can be a wet white. It can be lacy, as it drifts on to the tree branches. Sparkly white if it has melted and refrozen.So many permutations. But it takes focus to appreciate it.

Most winters I just moan and fuss that Winter seems endless, the snow a nuisance, the cold , bitter. But I determined this year to accept it with at least a modicum of good grace. And I have been rewarded. I have determined that to "weather" the Winter I should try to embrace it, be with it. And what has quietly unfolded for me has been the beauty, sometimes a peace in this white , wintry blanket. And Inspiration.

The inspiration did, however, need a little nudge. That nudge came for me in the form a a wee gift from a friend. Knowing that I am also a calligrapher, she'd picked up a copy of Victoria Magazine for me , as there is in it tributes to the writing arts. But much within the covers of the magazine is a tribute to white, or as the cover states, "Winter White Magic". Page after page is filled with white; white adornments, accessories, bits of whimsy , luxury and comforts.

I'm usually attracted by color, all kinds of color, bright to muted. White usually leaves me cold. But it is as though there is a conspiracy of late to involve me in a white frame of mind. The variations of whites , from stark to warm, to off-white to muted neutrals is now stimulating. Textures and patterns, whether in lacy bed linens or frosted windows are suddenly energizing to me.

And where will this inspiration take me. Well I thought about white on white Valentines ( the purity of Love , and all that ) , but I'm just a sucker for red, pink , hot pink for that celebration, I set that idea aside ( though I may revisit it later). No, I thought that I would plan a CORNER of my shop in white. I can envision it now, white wicker, a swag of white flowers illuminated by tiny little lights, maybe some white paper lanterns, a parasol in white ,perhaps a small writing desk ( I've got one just awaiting my decision as to what color to paint it- I think I've just decided) a mother-of-pearl handled letter opener, an off white throw, maybe a photo or two I've taken this winter---ooooooh this list could just go on and on. ( Incidently, featured in the magazine is a shop called White Flowers that is ENTIRELY white. That might be just a bit much for me. But it looks absolutely ethereal in the magazine. One could imagine angels dropping by to purchase a new pair of wings in a shop like that. )

And though my shop is just a "summer season" shop, white in summer can be even more compelling , when the heat of the day and the pavement begs for relief. I am reminded of Childe Hassam's paintings, often strongly white in hue. And whether he is depicting summer or winter, they can offer a sweet frosting-like envelope with which to surround oneself.

I must be on my way now. Thanks for dropping by. I'll leave with this little quote and an armful of white wishes, Cyth

"White ... is not a mere absence of colour; it is a shining and affirmative thing, as fierce as red, as definite as black.... God paints in many colours; but He never paints so gorgeously, I had almost said so gaudily, as when He paints in white."
--Gilbert Keith Chesterton [British author, 1874–1936] “A Piece of Chalk,” Tremendous Trifles (1909)


  1. Funny, I have had "white" on the brain lately, when I haven't been thinking Valentine Red. Enjoyed this lovely post!

  2. Hummm, interesting stuff - I've been wishing for some snow - we seem to have missed out on any this winter. And white, I love white and find that I love it more and more as I get older!
