Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year and Magic

Welcome to the New Year and welcome to Out of the Blue.

New year, new starts, much anticipation.

I'm catching this wave while the tide is still high. I put it out there last New Year's to greet and accept Magic in my life. I was happily validated this past Fall when as if from "out of the blue" an opportunity was presented to me AND the means to take advantage of the opportunity. That opportunity was, serendipitously, named Out Of The Blue ; a wonderful little summer- season shop that I worked at part time for the last three summers and is now mine.

So now I'm all awhirl in magical possibilities.

Something surely has been set in motion and I'm caught up in the momentum, which I will gladly surf through for as long as I can hang on. The last time this happened to me I met and fell - more like a freefall- in love with my Mr., but that is another story. For now I'll ride this wave and tingle with anticipation, maybe shiver a little with anxiety, but thoroughly enjoy the ride.

I'd like to show you around my little shop, chat about some of my plans, maybe get a little feedback; and I aim to do just that once I find my way around here. (I hope you are a patient lot for I'm not a particularly astute student technologically.) I've also got an etsy shop, Hummingwords , that is sorely in need of a bit of care. That's next on my to do list for this New Year.

Off now to tackle another "thing" on my to do list. How I wish Magic would make us a good meal.

Blessings for the New Year,



  1. Congratulations on your shop! Where is it located? I have linked to your blog from mine. Best regards, Anita

  2. You blog is truly beguiling. I enjoyed very much. I am very new to blogging, just started. Many blessings on you this chilly night. Linda
