Friday, January 30, 2009

Snowflakes And Paperlace

So I do believe that when I last stopped by to share a bit with you, I was rapturously ranting about Snow White, and I don't mean the folklore damsel. I believe that I was awestruck by the beauty of the winter scene outside my window. And indeed, it was beautiful....and inspiring. I've got pages added to my Shop Journal with regard to a White Nook planned for the shop. But I gotta tell ya, I'm tiring of the schlepping through snow & slush. Wednesday's storm ( 11 more inches ) nudged me just a little too close to the edge. The white, when it's not coatedwith dirt and sand from the plowing, is still sparkling and refreshing, yes. But the gray overcast sky has continued to threaten even more , though only a few stray flakes fall. It is the overhanging threat that has got me teetering.
But Valentine's day is nearly on our doorstep. This is not a good time to plummet to the depths of Winter Madness; not yet. So with the snow flying around me without and the Valentine anticipation whirling around within , I HAD to spend some time today
melding these diverse emotions. Yes, I'm afraid to admit, but admit I will, that I retreated to my childhood winter pasttime of cutting paper snowflakes. But wait , I added a spin to it. As you might have noticed in the picture above, I cut HEARTS into the folded paper......and cut and cut and cut. When I finished, what I beheld were beautiful samples of Paper Lace. ( Well these were just my "try-me's"). I've now got plans for more exacting, more intricate designs. ( I was so excited that I'd turned my mood around , I even managed to try making some bread pudding. And it turned out pretty well, considering I hate to cook. And such COMFORT in some warm bread pudding! Yee Haa ! Feeling much better---at least for tonight ).

Above is the paper that I'd begun with. It is actually a photocopy of a piece of scrapbook paper , lightened so that my writing wouldn't have to compete for attention . I then proceeded to spend the next hour "practicing" my calligraphy by writing out the lyrics to the old Marvin Gaye/Tammy Terrell song , Precious Love ( "Heaven must have sent your precious love..."). Of course, appropriate words for a Valentine. (Could be something for The Mr.). Then with a bit of tea by my side I started the requisite cutting, folding, cutting, cutting, cutting. Yeah, it was just momentarily scary thinking about cutting up an hour's worth of calligraphy, but as my teacher Nancy Culmone ; ( a wee sample of her work : ) always told us , " Nothing is ever lost.". So I cut and cut and cut some more. and when I finished that , I began to wonder what would happen if I cut first , on plain paper, THEN added words and embellishment. Ta Da. This was my next "try-me".

OOOO. So much more I can do ! Just wait till I get out all my pens and papers, glitter?,anything ooey, gooey, hearty, Valentine-y........... I'll stop here and spare those of you who are less enthusiastic about this great celebration. I'm sure there is at least one, but for the life of me I can't understand.
So now I'm thinking that they'd be terrific scanned into the computer and printed out to make notecards, HEY ,maybe even Valentine cards. Whaddya think?
Wishing you a LOVEly evening.


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